Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Travel Workout Blues: SOLVED

This was the gym at my hotel for 3 weeks.    Not the most motivating space....

I was on work travel for 3 straight weeks and subject to eating out every meal.  As I've mentioned before portion control and will power are not my strength so going to the gym was essential to me not losing my mind.  I was disappointed when I arrived to a gym with a stair stepper from 1975.  There was also a bike from the 70's and 2 treadmills that were always occupied every time I tried to work out.  How the heck was I supposed to work off the cheesecake & potato chips I ate 3 days in a row?  Now I have a solution.......

I have put together a folder with workouts I find from different magazines like Self, Shape, Muscle & Fitness & Men's Health.  I take it with me on travel so that I can workout in the privacy of my own hotel room.  No waiting for a treadmill and no pre historic stair stepper.  This book can also house your favorite recipes.  Soon I will have strength workouts for you (with music of course) but until then I have put some video links to my 3 favorite moves when I'm on the road.  If you want something more challenging use 2lb leg weights.


  1. What a great idea Sarah! I'll use this in the future.

  2. Thanks Jill! Let me know how this idea works out for you. If you have suggestions please share!


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