OH how I love Jacqueline Kennedy!
I went to an exhibit at the Corcoran Gallery in DC in my mid 20's to see Jacqueline Kennedy's most famous outfits on display. Her style was simple and attention to subtle detail sort of blew my mind.
How does this have anything to do with me?
Earlier this year I went to my FABULOUS tailor to have a celery green lace dress from the 80's transformed into something beautiful. I loved the material and the dress had stylish potential. Plus it was only $3 at the Goodwill in Fort Collins, CO. I was almost in love. The downside was the fact it was too long, too big and not the right fit.
Sidenote: If you don't have a tailor you should get one. Clothes look so much better when they fit YOUR body perfectly.
Ok, back to the point. While my amazing tailor was fitting me she happened to mention she regularly tailored clothes for Jacqueline Kennedy....UM.....WHAT?!? How did I not know this? She said it was on her website which was a detail I clearly missed. This explains why my celery lace dress (among other tailored items I have) turned out perfect.
Sidenote 2: This pic was taken with a phone in a questionably lit room and I'm slouching like an idiot. Had I been standing straight, the lighting was better the picture wasn't taken with a phone you'd see the dress turned out perfectly. Even a guy in his 70's stopped me on the street and told me how much he loved my dress.
There you have it. My 2 degrees to Jackie-O!
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