Thursday, November 3, 2011

I'm Just Not That Into You.....

Dear Candy Sitting In My House-

Halloween is over.  I haven't called, texted or tweeted you since then.  I'm just not that into you. Please stop making google eyes at me and screaming my name and trying to tempt me to be with you.  It isn't happening.  I'm not falling for it.  Please go away.  

How long is it going to take to get rid of you?


  1. If my willpower was down I would be willing to help rid you of any random Snickers... but that would mean soooo many more miles on my feet! haha Everyone is complaining about Halloween candy!

  2. I had my daughter had her stash in her room, it's worked out good so far.

  3. Oh man, I would love to help you out and eat all of that candy for you. But I have a cavity and it ruins all of my sweet plans :( I ate too many Swedish Fish lol.

  4. i know how you feel. I finished off all the leftover Butterfingers last night and I'm going to work my way thru the Snickers next. The rest is going to the co-workers.

  5. My roommate went and purchased a mega load of candy, but as it's "hers" I've been able to hold back from consuming any.

  6. I haven't craved candy. American chocolate is so gross and red vines, not feeling em. The worst Is when u leave ur candy in a bowl and it all starts to taste and smell like each other. Ugh. I prefer solid whole foods. So, u really liked my black dress that much? U can totally borrow it. Just tell me when and I'll send it ur way. It's very señorita margarita.

  7. I will HAPPILY give you my address so you can send it all to me. :)

  8. Hey girl - you won my Running Divas giveaway! Send me a email with your address!

  9. So, are you taking it to your local food bank or a hospital or ???

    Good to get it out of your house, I think.

  10. Bounty!!! I LOVE Bounty!! I'd gladly take those off your hand ;)

    This year I didn't buy any candy for Halloween. We never get any trick o treaters at our apartment.

  11. Ummm never? Better buckle down :-)

  12. amen, candy we are not really friends and I wish you would stop showing up in my house. I don't recall inviting you over :)

  13. I made my husband take everything to work! All of it was out of my house by Tuesday =)

  14. Totally made me smile! Unfortunately, I am that into candy and it is taunting me!! Trying. To. Stay. Strong.

  15. Oh Bounty, how I miss you in my life. Please come back, it has been far too long....

  16. Hahahah this post cracked me up!
    I think that with all that HFCS that those candies contain the wisest thing to do is just to throw them in the garbage!

    Mike @TheIronYou

  17. Please do NOT send it to my house!!! My kids didn't even go this year ... at first I was bummed but then I realized it was probably a blessing. Haha!

  18. I love sneaker! its makes me go home and eat some hahaha


  19. Oh candy yells at me in the morning!!! I need to throw it away!

  20. i'm about to take all of mine and give it away at work! it's the best thing to do... ugh.


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